Race 2 is a Bollywood action thriller film directed by Abbas-Mustan and produced under the Tips Music Films banner and is the first major release of the year. It is the sequel to the 2008 hit film, Race, and stars an ensemble cast that includes Anil Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan reprising their roles as Robert D'Costa and Ranveer Singh from the previous film while Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez and Ameesha Patel are new additions to the cast. Bipasha Basu will reprise her role of Sonia in a special appearance.[3] Race 2 released on 25 January 2013.[1]
Information and Crews:
Directed by | Abbas-Mustan |
Produced by | Ramesh S. Taurani Ronnie Screwvala Siddharth Roy Kapur |
Written by | Shiraz Ahmed |
Story by | Shiraz Ahmed |
Starring | Saif Ali Khan Deepika Padukone John Abraham Jacqueline Fernandez Anil Kapoor Ameesha Patel |
Music by | Songs: PritamAtif Aslam Background Score: Salim-Sulaiman |
Cinematography | Ravi Yadav |
Editing by | Hussain Burmawala |
Studio | Illuminati Films Tips Films |
Distributed by | UTV Motion Pictures Tips Films |
Release date(s) |
Running time | 146 minutes[2] |
Country | India |
Language | Hindi |